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...Delphi Exe Dateien kleiner machen?
Autor: Thomas Stutz
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Tip Bewertung (57):  

Generally, EXE files created with Delphi are larger than EXE files
created with another programming language. The reason is the VCL.
(Sure, VCL has many advantages...)

There are several ways to reduce a EXE's size:

01) Use a EXE-Packer (UPX, ASPack,...)
02) Use KOL.
03) Write your application without VCL
04) Use the ACL (API Controls Library)
05) Use StripReloc.
06) Deactivate remote debugging information and TD32.
07) You might want to put code in a dll.
08) Don't put the same images several times on a form. Load them at runtime.
09) Use compressed images (JPG and not BMP)
10) Store less properties in DFM files
(See Link below "How To Make Your EXE's Lighter")

11) Use the TStringList replacement by ~LOM~
Use the Minireg - TRegistry replacement by Ben Hochstrasser


Mit Delphi erstellte Exe-Dateien sind im allgemeinen einiges grösser als solche,
welche mit anderen Programmiersprachen erzeugt wurden.
Der Grund dafür ist die VCL.
(Klar, Die VCL hat viele Vorteile...)

Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, um die Exe-Grösse zu reduzieren.

01) Einen EXE-Packer verwenden (UPX, ASPack, ....)
02) KOL verwenden.
03) Die Anwendung ohne VCL schreiben (nur mit API, nonVCL)
04) Die ACL (API Controls Library) verwenden.
05) StripReloc verwenden.
06) Debug Informationen und TD32 ausschalten.
07) Code in eine Dll auslagern.
08) Wenn Bilder mehrmals verwendet werden,
dann nur einmal einbinden und die anderen zur Laufzeit laden.
09) Bilder komprimieren (nicht bmp sondern z.B das jpg Format verwenden)
10) Weniger Properties in den DFM Dateien speichern
(Siehe Link unten ("How To Make Your EXE's Lighter")
11) Verwende den TStringList Ersatz von ~LOM~
Verwende die Minireg - TRegistry Ersatz von Ben Hochstrasser


// Further descriptions and links:
// Beschreibungen in Englisch und Links:


UPX is a free, portable, extendable, high-performance executable
packer for several different executable formats. It achieves an excellent
compression ratio and offers very fast decompression.
Your executables suffer no memory overhead or other drawbacks.


ASPack is an advanced Win32 executable file compressor, capable of reducing the file size of
32-bit Windows programs by as much as 70%. (ASPack's compression ratio improves upon the
industry-standard zip file format by as much as 10-20%.) ASPack makes Windows 95/98/NT
programs and libraries smaller, and decrease load times across networks, and download
times from the internet; it also protects programs against reverse engineering
by non-professional hackers.
Programs compressed with ASPack are self-contained and run exactly as before,
with no runtime performance penalties.



KOL - Key Objects Library is a set of objects to develop power
(but small) 32 bit Windows GUI applications using Delphi but without VCL.
It is distributed free of charge, with source code.



Delphi lets you have it both ways. If you want tiny EXE's, then don't use
the VCL. Its entirely possible to use all the rich features of Delphi IDE
using 100% WinAPI calls, standard resources, etc.




ACL (API Controls Library)
To write the program on pure API certainly it is possible, but I have deci-
ded to reach both goals - both to make that program and to receive the tool,
through which it would be possible in further to build similar programs, almost,
as on Delphi with VCL. So the idea to create my own TWinControl and all standard
Windows controls classes, derived from it has appeared.



StripReloc is a free (GPL license) command line utility that removes the relocation
(".reloc") section from Win32 PE EXE files, reducing their size.
Most compilers/linkers (including Delphi) put a relocation section in EXE files,
but this is actually not necessary since EXEs never get relocated.
Hence, a relocation section only wastes space.

Why not use an EXE compressor?


Deactivating the Debug Information

Exclude any debug information for the final build
(project-Options Compiler - Debugging and project-Options
Linker EXE and DLL options)
Dependeing on the amount of Debug information,
Debugging can take up until half of the size.

The options that are going to singificantly reduce your file size are
"Include TD32 debug info" and "Build with runtime packages". If you are
shipping commercial applications, you usually don't need the debug info
linked with your project.


About Images

The forms in your project have any bitmaps on them, then these are
compiled into the EXE. If you use the same bitmap multiple times, don't
assign them at design-time in the IDE as it will be included in the EXE
multiple times, assign them in code instead.
This can help reduce the size of the EXE, especially if you use large

Use JPEG-files instead of BMP-files. This also reduces the EXE size.


How To Make Your EXE's Lighter:


TStringList replacement by ~LOM~
Minireg - TRegistry replacement


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