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SwissDelphiCenter was founded by Simon Grossenbacher in June 1999 as private website project. The earlier goal to support the Delphi community has stay until today.

In January 2001 has Thomas Stutz joined, and SwissDelphiCenter became a team.


SwissDelphiCenter Team
Name: Simon Grossenbacher
Job: Webmaster, Administration, Downloads
Age: 20 Years
Location: Langenthal / Switzerland
Programming experience:

3 Years Turbo Pascal
5 Years Borland Delphi

Tool: Borland Delphi 6 Professional

Name: Thomas Stutz
Job: Administration, Programmier Tips
Age: 23 Years
Location: Lachen / Switzerland
Programming experience

3 Years Turbo Pascal
6 Years Borland Delphi

Tool: Borland Delphi 5 Professional

Name: Markus Lemy Schertenleib
Job: Programming Tips
Age: 37 Years
Location: Biel/Bienne / Switzerland

5 Years Basic (VC20, C64, CPM80, Sinclair Z80)
Assembler Z80, 6502, 6510, 8088..80486
1 YearTurbo C++
Borland C Builder
3 YearsVC++6
8 YearsPascal , Turbovision
6 YearsDelphi

Tool: Delphi4 Standard, Delphi6 Personal



SwissDelphiCenter received the "Just well done" award
of Torry's Delphi Pages.


Three-Pillar Delphi Supporter award of Earl F. Glynn

Extremely Helpful, Major Resources


Special thanks to

Maxim Peresada
Maintainer of Torry's Delphi Pages

Thomas Müller
Idea Tips Rating System

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All trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners